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From Phidgets Support
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|{{ProductListLink|DCC1002|4A DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DCC1002|4A DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DCC1003|2x DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DCC1003|2x DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DCC1020|30V 50A DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DCC1100|Brushless DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DCC1100|Brushless DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DCC1120|30V 50A Brushless DC Motor Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DST1000|Distance Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DST1000|Distance Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DST1001|Distance Phidget}}
|{{ProductListLink|DST1001|Distance Phidget}}

Latest revision as of 20:09, 10 December 2024

The following list of Phidgets provides a portal to help you find the Product Page and User Guide of the Phidgets you will be programming against. Click on a Phidget in this list to open its Product Page, which contains the User Guide.

Productbar userguide.jpg

This is not a comprehensive list of all Phidgets products. To browse our full selection, navigate to the Phidgets home page, and use the tabs.

1002 - PhidgetAnalog 4-Output 1010 - PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 Mini-Format
1011 - PhidgetInterfaceKit 2/2/2 1012 - PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/16/16
1014 - PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/0/4 1015 - PhidgetLinearTouch
1016 - PhidgetCircularTouch 1017 - PhidgetInterfaceKit 0/0/8
1018 - PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 1019 - PhidgetInterfaceKit 8/8/8 w/6 Port Hub
1023 - PhidgetRFID 1024 - PhidgetRFID Read-Write
1031 - PhidgetLED-64 1032 - PhidgetLED-64 Advanced
1040 - PhidgetGPS 1041 - PhidgetSpatial 0/0/3 Basic
1042 - PhidgetSpatial 3/3/3 Basic 1043 - PhidgetSpatial Precision 0/0/3 High Resolution
1044 - PhidgetSpatial Precision 3/3/3 High Resolution 1045 - PhidgetTemperatureSensor IR
1046 - PhidgetBridge 4-Input 1047 - PhidgetEncoder HighSpeed 4-Input
1048 - PhidgetTemperatureSensor 4-Input 1049 - PhidgetSpatial 0/0/3
1051 - PhidgetTemperatureSensor 1-Input 1052 - PhidgetEncoder
1054 - PhidgetFrequencyCounter 1055 - PhidgetIR
1056 - PhidgetSpatial 3/3/3 1057 - PhidgetEncoder HighSpeed
1061 - PhidgetAdvancedServo 8-Motor 1062 - PhidgetStepper Unipolar 4-Motor
1063 - PhidgetStepper Bipolar 1-Motor 1064 - PhidgetMotorControl HC
1065 - PhidgetMotorControl 1-Motor 1066 - PhidgetAdvancedServo 1-Motor
1067 - PhidgetStepper Bipolar HC 1072 - PhidgetSBC2
1073 - PhidgetSBC3 1101 - IR Distance Adapter
1102 - IR Reflective Sensor 5mm 1103 - IR Reflective Sensor 10cm
1104 - Vibration Sensor 1106 - Force Sensor
1108 - Magnetic Sensor 1109 - Rotation Sensor
1111 - Motion Sensor 1112 - Slider 60
1113 - Mini Joy Stick Sensor 1115 - Pressure Sensor
1116 - Multi-turn Rotation Sensor 1120 - FlexiForce Adapter
1121 - Voltage Divider 1122 - 30 Amp Current Sensor AC/DC
1124 - Precision Temperature Sensor 1125 - Humidity/Temperature Sensor
1126 - Differential Gas Pressure Sensor ± 25kPa 1127 - Precision Light Sensor
1128 - MaxBotix EZ-1 Sonar Sensor 1129 - Touch Sensor
1130 - pH/ORP Adapter 1131 - Thin Force Sensor
1132 - 4-20mA Adapter 1133 - Sound Sensor
1134 - Switchable Voltage Divider 1135 - Precision Voltage Sensor
1136 - Differential Gas Pressure Sensor ±2 kPa 1137 - Differential Gas Pressure Sensor ±7 kPa
1138 - Differential Gas Pressure Sensor 50 kPa 1139 - Differential Gas Pressure Sensor 100 kPa
1140 - Absolute Gas Pressure Sensor 20-400 kPa 1141 - Absolute Gas Pressure Sensor 15-115 kPa
1142 - Light Sensor 1000 lux 1143 - Light Sensor 70,000 lux
1144 - 12V Sensor Adapter 1145 - 5V to ±12V Sensor Adapter
1146 - IR Reflective Sensor 1-4mm 1203 - PhidgetTextLCD
1204 - PhidgetTextLCD Adapter 3051 - Dual Relay Board
3052 - SSR Relay Board 2.5A 3053 - Dual SSR Relay Board
3054 - SSR Relay Board 0.5A 3060 - USB Isolator
ADP1000 - pH Phidget DAQ1000 - 8x Voltage Input Phidget
DAQ1200 - 4x Digital Input Phidget DAQ1300 - 4x Isolated Digital Input Phidget
DAQ1301 - 16x Isolated Digital Input Phidget DAQ1400 - Versatile Input Phidget
DAQ1500 - Wheatstone Bridge Phidget DCC1000 - DC Motor Phidget
DCC1001 - 2A DC Motor Phidget DCC1002 - 4A DC Motor Phidget
DCC1003 - 2x DC Motor Phidget DCC1020 - 30V 50A DC Motor Phidget
DCC1100 - Brushless DC Motor Phidget DCC1120 - 30V 50A Brushless DC Motor Phidget
DST1000 - Distance Phidget DST1001 - Distance Phidget
DST1200 - Sonar Phidget ENC1000 - Quadrature Encoder Phidget
ENC1001 - Quadrature Encoder Phidget HIN1000 - Touch Keypad Phidget
HIN1001 - Touch Wheel Phidget HIN1100 - Thumbstick Phidget
HIN1101 - Dial Phidget HUB0000 - VINT Hub Phidget
HUB0001 - VINT Hub Phidget HUB0002 - VINT Hub Phidget
HUB0003 - 7-Port USB Hub HUB0007 - 1-Port VINT Hub Phidget
HUB5000 - Wireless VINT Hub HUM1000 - Humidity Phidget
HUM1001 - Humidity Phidget LCD1100 - Graphic LCD Phidget
LED1000 - 32x Isolated LED Phidget LUX1000 - Light Phidget
MOT0100 - PhidgetAccelerometer MOT0109 - PhidgetSpatial Precision 3/3/3
MOT0110 - PhidgetSpatial Precision 3/3/3 MOT1100 - Accelerometer Phidget
MOT1101 - Spatial Phidget MOT1102 - Spatial Phidget
OUT1000 - 12-bit Voltage Output Phidget OUT1001 - Isolated 12-bit Voltage Output Phidget
OUT1002 - Isolated 16-bit Voltage Output Phidget OUT1100 - 4x Digital Output Phidget
PRE1000 - Barometer Phidget PRX2300 - Beam Break Phidget
PSU2000 - DC Power Source 5V PSU2001 - DC Power Source 1.5V - 5V
PSU2002 - DC Power Source 5V - 24V RCC0004 - PhidgetAdvancedServo 8-Motor
RCC1000 - 16x Servo Phidget REL1000 - 4x Relay Phidget
REL1100 - 4x Isolated Solid State Relay Phidget REL1101 - 16x Isolated Solid State Relay Phidget
REL2001 - Relay Phidget REL2002 - Signal Relay Phidget
REL2103 - Solid State Relay Phidget SAF1000 - Programmable Power Guard Phidget
SAF2000 - Power Guard Phidget SBC3003 - Phidget SBC4
SND1000 - Sound Phidget STC1000 - Stepper Phidget
STC1001 - 2.5A Stepper Phidget STC1002 - 8A Stepper Phidget
STC1003 - 4A Stepper Phidget TMP1000 - Temperature Phidget
TMP1100 - Isolated Thermocouple Phidget TMP1101 - 4x Thermocouple Phidget
TMP1200 - RTD Phidget VCP1000 - 20-bit (±40V) Voltage Input Phidget
VCP1001 - (±40V) Voltage Input Phidget VCP1002 - (±1V) Voltage Input Phidget
VCP1100 - 30A Current Sensor Phidget