OS - Android
From Phidgets Support
Android is a mobile OS commonly used on smartphones and tablet computers.
Recommended Languages
Android OS programs are written in Java using the Android SDK and the Phidgets library.
Installing Libraries and Drivers
Linux or MacOS is preferred as the development system on which to write your Android OS Phidget application.
You will need the following:
- The JDK and Java on your development system
- The Android SDK package for your development system
- The Eclipse plug-in for Java development
- http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ for Windows or MacOS
sudo apt-get install eclipse
for Linux
- The Phidgets libraries for Android
Common Problems and Solutions
- List relevant problems from "Common Problems and workarounds" doc
- List common problems for this OS from support forums
List any limitations associated with running Phidgets with this OS.