From Phidgets Support
Graphic LCD
When you double click on a Graphic LCD object, a window like the one pictured will open.
- At the top of the window, information about your device and the properties of this particular channel will be listed.
- In the middle, brightness and contrast of the LCD screen can be adjusted.
- At the bottom, there are a number of buttons to demonstrate the functionality of the graphics LCD:
- Basic Example: Write some text, lines, boxes and a bitmap to the screen.
- SaveFrameBuffer: Save the current screen to memory.
- RecallFrameBuffer: Load the saved screen from memory and print it to the screen.
- Async Example: Prints a bitmap to the screen asynchronously (can occur while other draw functions are still running).
- Async Text: Prints text to the screen asynchronously.
- Async Timer: As above, but constantly prints numbers in random locations.
- Image: Loads an image from file and converts it to a bitmap to be displayed on the screen.
- Sleep/Unsleep: Toggles sleep mode, where the Phidget is still attached but in a minimal power consumption state.
- Clear Screen: Erases the screen.