Language - Python
Windows with LiClipse
Welcome to using Phidgets with Python! By using Python, you will have access to the complete Phidget22 API, including events.
LiClipse is a closed-source development environment based on Eclipse, with support for Python.
Installing the Phidget Python Package
First, install Python3 if you haven't already.
Python 3.4+ includes PIP by default. To install the Phidget22 Python package with PIP, simply open the Command Prompt (press the Windows key and search for cmd), and enter the command:
python -m pip install Phidget22
Setting Up a New Project
When you are building a project from scratch, or adding Phidget functionality to an existing project, you'll need to configure your development environment to properly link the Phidget Python library.
To start, create a new Python project:
Setting Up a New Project
Next, add a new file to the project:
Finding Code Samples
To find the code sample to use for your Phidget, navigate to the Code Samples page and select your device from the drop-down menu.
Once you select your device, the code sample generator will give you a working code sample, and a selection of options to customize it to your needs.
Using the Code Samples
If it's unclear what any of the options do, click on the nearby '?' for more info.
Once you've made your selections, click the copy button and paste the code into your new project.
What's Next?
Now that you've set up Phidgets in your programming environment, you should read our guide on Phidget Programming Basics to learn the fundamentals of programming with Phidgets.