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Notice: This page contains information for the legacy Phidget21 Library. Phidget21 is out of support. Bugfixes may be considered on a case by case basis. Phidget21 does not support VINT Phidgets, or new USB Phidgets released after 2020. We maintain a selection of legacy devices for sale that are supported in Phidget21. We recommend that new projects be developed against the Phidget22 Library.
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Language - iOS
Preamble about the language's origin and its main characteristics.
iOS has a complete API for all Phidgets devices, and code samples for PhidgetInterfaceKit devices.
For a complete list of our supported languages and their support status, click here.
- Our honest opinion on how well this language is suited to controlling Phidgets. If it is a poor choice, suggest and link similar (better) languages.
- In this section, list any restrictions or limitations that this particular language may impose. For example, incompatibility with certain operating systems.
Development Environments and Compilers
Describe each major compiler and notable differences or important information. (eg. framework versions) If there are known issues/workarounds mention them and link to the corresponding issue at the bottom of the page.
Quick Downloads
Before you can run your program, you need to set up the proper environment and get the necessary files off the Phidgets website. Visit the drivers section at www.phidgets.com and get the latest:
You will need the Phidget Framework to use and to program with Phidgets. We also recommend that you download the following reference materials:
- API Manual
- API Reference
- iOS Sample Code
- You can find a high level discussion about programming with Phidgets in general on the General API page.
- The Device Functionality page explains the general operational information for your device.
You may want to have these pages open while working through these instructions.
Getting Started
You will need the Phidget21 library and the iOS library to use and program with Phidgets. As iOS devices do not have USB ports, support for Phidgets is made available through the WebService. The system that is hosting the Phidgets will need to have the Phidget21 library installed. After the framework is installed, the WebService must be started. For more information on the WebService, please see the Webservice Page.
Setting up a Phidgets Project
The Phidget examples were written in Objective-C and Xcode 4.0, and this tutorial assumes their use. Other versions of Xcode should work as well and would be set up in a similar manner. In Xcode:
- Generate a new iOS Windows-based Application project with a descriptive name such as PhidgetTest.
- Set up the Provisioning Profiles and Code Signing settings, if necessary.
- Download the Phidget21 iOS library, extract the file, and move the iphoneos and the iphonesimulator folders, as well as the phidget21.h into the same directory as the the .xcodeproj file.
- In xCode, open up the Project Settings > Build Settings.
- In Linking > Other Linker Flags, follow these steps for both Debug, and Release:
- Select "Any iOS Simulator SDK" and enter:
- Select "Any iOS SDK" and enter:
- In Search Path > Header Search Path, enter:
- In the header file, add a reference to phidget21.h:
#import "phidget21.h"
- A text field will be used for the purpose of capturing output. Open MainMenu.nib to bring up the Interface Builder. Drag a text field from the Library to the Window.
- Add a text field outlet in the header file. For example,
@interface PhidgetTestAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate>{
IBOutlet UITextField *sensorValueTxt;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextField *sensorValueTxt;
- In the implementation file, add the following line to the implementation section:
@synthesize sensorValueTxt;
- Also, be sure release the object in the dealloc method [sensorValueTxt release];
- Connect the PhidgetTestAppDelegate class instance to sensorValueTxt.
The project now has access to Phidgets and we are ready to begin coding. Please note that the iPhone library also contains a sample skeleton xCode project for iOS. This project contains the neccessary project settings for Phidgets development. Alternatively, you can use it to start developing with Phidgets.
Coding For Your Phidget
A Phidget object will need to be declared. For example, we can declare a PhidgetInterfaceKit in the .h header file with:
CPhidgetInterfaceKitHandle ifkit
The object name for any type of Phidget is listed in the API manual. Every type of Phidget also inherits functionality from the Phidget base class.
Connecting to the Phidget
Next, the Phidget object needs to be initialized and the program needs to try and connect to the Phidget over the WebService through a call to openRemoteIP() or openRemote(). These calls will tell the program to continuously try to connect to a Phidget, based on the parameters given, even trying to reconnect if it gets disconnected. This means that simply calling open does not guarantee you can use the Phidget immediately. We can handle this by using event driven programming and tracking the AttachEvents and DetachEvents, or by calling waitForAttachment. WaitForAttachment will block indefinitely until a connection is made to the Phidget, or an optional timeout is exceeded. For example, we can connect to a PhidgetInterfaceKit in the .m implementation file with:
@implementation PhidgetTest
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
CPhidget_openRemoteIP((CPhidgetHandle)ifkit, -1, "", 5001, NULL);
The openRemoteIP() and openRemote() calls can be used with parameters to try and get the first device it can find over the network, and open it based on a serial number. The API manual provides more information on openRemoteIP() and openRemote(). One important thing to remember is that when working with Phidgets, a local connection will reserve the device until closed. This prevents any other instances from retrieving data from the Phidget, including other programs. The one connection per device limit does not apply when exclusively using the Phidget Webservice. At the end of your program, don’t forget to call close to free any locks on the Phidget.
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
Event Driven Programming
We recommend the use of event driven programming when working with Phidgets. We can hook an event handler at loading with the following code:
CPhidgetInterfaceKit_set_OnSensorChange_Handler(ifkit, gotSensorChange, self);
Next, the callback method needs to be set up before it can be used. For example,
int gotSensorChange(CPhidgetInterfaceKitHandle phid, void *context, int ind, int val)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[(id)context performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(SensorChange:)
withObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:ind], [NSNumberGetting_Started_iOS created: 06/16/11 Page 4
numberWithInt:val], nil] waitUntilDone:NO];
[pool release];
return 0;
Above, the SensorChange method is invoked on the main thread. Event data is stored in a NSArray, which in turn is sent as a single argument to the SensorChange method. The NSAutoreleasePool object is created to clean up released objects on the event thread, and is released at the end of the method. The SensorChange method is defined as follows:
- (void)SensorChange:(NSArray *)sensorChangeData
int sensorIndex, sensorValue;
sensorIndex = [[sensorChangeData objectAtIndex:0] intValue];
sensorValue = [[sensorChangeData objectAtIndex:1] intValue];
_sensorValueTxt.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Sensor: %d, Value: %d",
sensorIndex, sensorValue]];
With this function, the code inside SensorChange will get executed every time the PhidgetInterfaceKit reports a change on one of its analog inputs. Some events such as Attach and Detach belong to the base Phidget object and thus are common to all types of Phidgets. Please refer to the API manual and the iOS examples for a list of events and their usage.
Working directly with the Phidget
Some values can be read and sent directly to the Phidget, simply use the C API functions such as CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getSensorValue for PhidgetInterfaceKits.
int sensorIndex = 0;
int sensorValue;
CPhidgetInterfaceKit_getSensorValue(ifkit, sensorIndex, &sensorValue);
_sensorValueTxt.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Sensor: %d, Value: %d",
sensorIndex, sensorValue]];
These functions can be used inside a polling loop as an alternative to event driven programming.
Working with multiple Phidgets
Multiple Phidgets of the same type can easily be run inside the same program. In our case, it requires another InterfaceKit instance to be defined and initialized. The new instance can then be set up, opened and used in the same process as the previous one. If the application needs to distinguish between the devices, open can be called with the serial number of a specific Phidget.
Other Phidgets
The design given in this document can also be followed for almost all Phidgets. For example, if you were using a PhidgetRFID instead of an PhidgetInterfacekit, you would declare an RFID object instead of an InterfaceKit. The methods and events available would change but they can be accessed in a similar manner.
Building your Project
Describe the different ways a project could be built using this language.
Common Problems and Solutions/Workarounds
Here you can put various frequent problems and our recommended solutions.