What properties need to be set to address a network phidget?
I am setting all of ServerName, DeviceSerialNumber, HubPort, IsHubPortDevice, and Channel but that still doesn't seem to be enough/the correct combination to address/connect to the phidget.
It took longer than expected to get this up to github (holidays, office changes, etc.) but I have posted the open source code for the Control Panel here
Patrick, I should have something for you to take a look at this week. I didn't use the PhidgetManager. I used a chain of responsibility pattern and addressing to have the phidgets sort of assemble themselves. I do notice, using this technique, though, that there are occasions when the phidgets don't...
Would you be open to permitting me to publish an open-source C# WPF sample that replicates much of the functionality of the Phidget Control Panel? I could send it to you for your approval in advance if you wish. I think some of the community would find it valuable in helping them get started with th...
Just wondering if the code for Phidget Control Panel is open? It would sure help with getting a better understanding of the intended use of the API.
fraser wrote:I'll make one for our current version, and let me know how it works, should be up on nuget.org today sometime. Then I'll look into getting it generated per release with updates
I'm still not seeing the nuget package in the Package Manager.