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by Gron
Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:37 pm
Forum: C#
Topic: Phidget22.ddl for .net 3.x or lower
Replies: 2
Views: 26759

Re: Phidget22.ddl for .net 3.x or lower

Patrick, Thank you so much!
by Gron
Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:34 pm
Forum: C#
Topic: Phidget22.ddl for .net 3.x or lower
Replies: 2
Views: 26759

Phidget22.ddl for .net 3.x or lower


Is it possible to get a .ddl compiled for 3.5 or lower? I'm using it in a LTS 2017 Unity project and upgrading to 4.x breaks other parts of our program.
by Gron
Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:17 pm
Forum: C#
Topic: Unity C# and Phidget22 Action
Replies: 5
Views: 32273

Re: Unity C# and Phidget22 Action

I think the issue is that the DI I'm using is a hub port device that's the only thing I can think that is different. We are dispatching Actions off other phidget event handlers like OnPositionChanged in the same way and getting expected results.
by Gron
Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:14 am
Forum: C#
Topic: Unity C# and Phidget22 Action
Replies: 5
Views: 32273

Re: Unity C# and Phidget22 Action

This is what confuses me more... jump.HubPort = Port; jump.Channel = 0; jump.StateChange += onStateChange; jump.Open(); private void onStateChange(object sender, DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e) { if(e.State == true) { Debug.Log("onStateChange"); } } This works with a Thumbstick HIN1100...
by Gron
Fri Aug 07, 2020 9:57 am
Forum: C#
Topic: Unity C# and Phidget22 Action
Replies: 5
Views: 32273

Re: Unity C# and Phidget22 Action

Hey! Thank you for your reply, That is not the issue unfortunately it is only firing the first time... I've also checked to see if the DI gets closed prematurely it's not. I'm using unity 2017.4.39 this is the LTS version. I've attached a picture of the console. I feel like I'm missing something.
by Gron
Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:31 pm
Forum: C#
Topic: Unity C# and Phidget22 Action
Replies: 5
Views: 32273

Unity C# and Phidget22 Action

Hello everyone! Im trying to work with a DigitalInput. My issue is the OnStateChange event only fires 2 times. Has anyone else experienced this issue? private void StateChange(object sender, DigitalInputStateChangeEventArgs e) { Debug.Log(e.State); OnStateChange?.Invoke(e.State); } public bool Open(...
by Gron
Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:07 pm
Forum: Javascript
Topic: Calculating the time it takes to reach target position
Replies: 2
Views: 28360

Re: Calculating the time it takes to reach target position

Hey, thanks for the reply! I'm trying to spin a wheel and have control of where it lands. With my current set up it seems that slight changes in the velocity can affect where my position is. I have an ENC1000 and a 40 CPR could I use these to help me obtain that or should I be able to do it with jus...
by Gron
Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:08 pm
Forum: Javascript
Topic: Calculating the time it takes to reach target position
Replies: 2
Views: 28360

Calculating the time it takes to reach target position

Hello! I have a 2.5a stepper motor attached to a NEMA 23. I have set the rescale factor so that when in step mode 1 rotation takes 16 steps. This is working as expected. What I'm trying to figure out is how do I calculate how much time it will take for the motor to go from its current position to th...