It's all working great so far but I think the fact that my lan cable is running right beside a 600 v motor cable may be at least partly responsible for the webservice issues I am having. We are giving the wireless a try on the project.
Do you think we would be OK for bandwidth on the SBC with the USB wireless adapter that came with the SBC and 3 Advanced Servo (8) cards attached?
This is the part of your post that got me thinking about it:
The SBC runs a USB 1.1 bus. That gives it 12mbit of bandwidth for ALL USB devices on the SBC. That includes all of the phidgets, the webcam, and wifi. If there's too much happening at once, things will start to get delayed. This usually isn't a problem, you can normally get away with a webcam, wifi, and a few phidgets provided that you aren't hammering it with commands.
so if I understood this correctly, you created an application using the phidgets library on windows. then you set up the wireless on theSBC and now you can control your tank from your PC using the jostick. i understand you did more things to connect the josticks and to set up the wireless and all that. but basically that's it right?
this is great for me. i would start a new project with the new SBC2 but i dont know if i would find some limitations with the usb or the wireless adapter. have you tried or know something about this new sbc2??
one more thing, how difficult would be to create a script or a program (i still don't know how that works) that runs on the SBC an not on the pc.