I'm very new to programming with Phidgets, so bear with me. Let me explain to you my situation:
I am trying to use the Phidget Interface Kit 0/0/8 to control some external devices. I'm using the Python samples on Linux (Ubuntu 10.10).
When I run the Manager_Simple.py program, which is just supposed to output the connected Phidgets' type, version, serial no. etc, I don't get any output whatsoever, even though my interface kit is connected to the USB port. I know that the kernel has registered its presence, since dmesg clearly shows that FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0. I have tried multiple programs, but it seems that whenever the program checks if the Phidget is attached using the waitForAttached or isAttached call is when it fails.
The program otherwise runs fine, so I think the installation and configuration isn't the problem. I tried the C version of the same files, tried running the programs with sudo, to no avail. Googling did not help my situation any, because no one else seems to have my problem. Am I missing something big and obvious here?
I would really appreciate a response. Thanks for reading.