The examples for Max/MSP with Phidget22 are available in the
Example Code section of the Max/MSP Language page, located at
https://www.phidgets.com/docs/Language_ ... ample_Code.
The examples are the .maxhelp files contained in the
examples folder of the .zip file.
The language page also contains all the relevant information to get your Phidgets working in the
Write Code section.
The PhidgetInterfaceKit object is a standalone object from the Phidget21 library that works with devices like the 1018, and does not chain with other Phidget objects.
If you find yourself stuck in documentation for the older Phidget21 library, you can click the tab labeled
To Phidget22 at the top-right of the page.
When filtering sensor data, I would recommend using the mean of your data as a moving average filter, rather than the median.
For the best results when tracking motion, you should be sampling as quickly as possible, which is every 20ms for all current VINT-based spatial Phidgets. This information can be found in the API page for your Phidget at
https://www.phidgets.com/?view=api, by selecting your Phidget from the drop-down menu.
As for the zl functions, and other Max/MSP-specific information, that is outside our domain, and I will have to point you to their documentation: