Well that's really good to know (that conversion must be included in the formulas I grabbed for the other sensors). But it is as you say, the reading isn't accurate in that it remains the same no matter what I put through it. It's always something very close to 534. With wire, without wire. I grabbed a clamp meter, and measured the solar panels at 3 amps (cloudy
) and the reading was 534.
Now to try and further isolate the problem, I moved to another port I use for another sensor, same stable value.
I unplug at the 1145 as such
Interface Kit ----X---- 1145 -------- 3588
I get a reading of 0
Out of curiosity I ran the test with only the 3588 unplugged as such
Interface Kit -------- 1145 ----X---- 3588
And I would get a stable reading of 180 to 200, not that this should tell us much.
So I'm back to square one, having replaced all the variables. I guess I didn't change the interface kit or the code I'm running, but given the interface kit gives me good readings on the same code otherwise, I'm disinclined to want to blame them.
You brought up 2 valid leads so far, hopefully you have a 3rd one and it is the charm
Thanks again.