I have two laptops in the same network. One of them has a spatial 1042 connected. In the client laptop I can read the spatial (accelerations, rotations and magnetic field) using the Phidget Control Pannel. So far so good.
Then, still in my client laptop, I use a labview VI to read data from that spatial. I use the same VI that works fine when the same spatial is connected directly. Unfortunately I can't get anything but the error "timed out".
I tried to read after changing the properties of the SpatialStart.vi "connection=remote", "Timeout=30000" and "Serial number=the sn of that spatial" but I got the same error.
You'll need to enable a network server on the computer with the spatial, and open a connection to that computer on the other one. You can open the connection using either NetworkServerDiscovery or connecting to that server directly. You can see examples of this under Phidget Common directory in the Labview examples folder.
I don't know if you understood me.
In my client computer, using Phidget Control Pannel,I see the remote server and I read the accelerations of the spatial attached to the server.
The problem is that when I try to do that using Labview I can't. I got the same error "Timed out".