Is the DAQ1000 currently none functional? Like a dumb@##@ I upgraded the firmware to 110 from 103 and you guys have seemed to removed the SensorType.EVERYTHING from the API.
Phidget22.VoltageRatioSensorType = all sensors types are now unsupported?
This line of code now does not work
attachedDevice.SensorType = VoltageRatioSensorType.PN_1101_Sharp2Y0A21;
Gives error Phidget22.PhidgetException: 'PhidgetException 0x00000015 (Invalid Argument)'
Do I now need to just take the raw value from a Generic Voltage Ratio and try to figure out the math to make all of these sensors work correctly? Do you guys plan to provide this information? How do I downgrade from firmware 110 to 103 so things will just work like normal please.
Edit : Scratch the VINT Hub problem, I rebooted the SBC3003 and now it seems to recognize it as a ph sensor and does not throw an exception. Chalking it up to user error
So the VINT Hub is also throwing invalid argument and will only recognize my ph phidget "adp1000" as a generic voltage input. You guys are killing me
With the VINT Hub the website API still indicates that it does support the SensorType argument but it is throwing the same exceptions as the DAQ1000
The ADP1000 uses a PHSensor object when used as a pH sensor, rather than a VoltageInput.
You are seeing an exception when setting the sensor type of the ADP1000, as when you use the voltage input on the ADP1000, you are reading the voltage across the input of the ADP1000 itself, rather than the VINT Hub port.
You can find more informaiton about how this works on the User Guide and API tabs of the ADP1000 product page.
No technical reason. In fact, the FirmwareUpgrade API is part of the C and .NET libraries, and all released firmware files are distributed as part of the control panel. Perhaps it will make sense to add this functionality.