Hi there,
Is it possible to save acceleration data from Spatial 3/3/3 in an array, in order to apply the FFT? How can I do that on android studio?
Can you explain how to do that? I think that I might misunderstand that.Patrick wrote:Hi,
Dump acceleration data into a queue from the AccelerationChange event, and then operate on that queue as you like. I have done this in C#, not sure what FFT libraries are available on Android, but it should be fairly straightforward.
Code: Select all
public class AccelerometerExample extends Activity {
//... Initialization code, etc.
double[][] accelerationArray = new double[10][3];
double[] timestampArray = new double[10];
int accelerationIndex = 0;
class AccelerometerAccelerationChangeEventHandler implements Runnable {
Phidget ch;
AccelerometerAccelerationChangeEvent accelerationChangeEvent;
public AccelerometerAccelerationChangeEventHandler(Phidget ch,
AccelerometerAccelerationChangeEvent accelerationChangeEvent) {
this.ch = ch;
this.accelerationChangeEvent = accelerationChangeEvent;
public void run() {
//Adds data to an array
accelerationArray[accelerationIndex][0] =
accelerationArray[accelerationIndex][1] =
accelerationArray[accelerationIndex][2] =
timestampArray[accelerationIndex] =
accelerationIndex = (accelerationIndex + 1) % 10;
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