Hi, I am trying to record load-cell data continuously, for example,for 2 or 3minutes, using VINT Hub and Wheatstone bridge DAQ1500_0, and a generic load cell.
Hardware list: VIT Hub Phidget HUB0000_0
VoltageRatioInput Wheatstone bridge DAQ1500_0
Generic loadcell with 5 leads
Software/OS: Windows 7 64bit,Python3.7 64bit for Windows
Phidget app: 1) python example script from your site for voltage ratio input
2) another graphic-user-interface,GUI, example for Phidget, with automatic module recogition(I am not quite sure about the correct name of the ready-made app Phidgets supplies: Sorry for that .
When I run the phidget app with GUI, it seems correctly reflect the changes in force exerted on the loadcell, and shows the changes accordingly. This app only shows momentary value on the GUI of Phidget, therefore, I chose the python script example,"VolageRatio.py."
In case I run the python example, however, the recorded values don't seem to reflect the force changes very well.
Recorded values seem to be stuck on some one or two data, when I record the loadcell value for 30 seconds using Python. One thing I also noted is that the value levels are quite different than those shown on the GUI phidget app.
Just in case, I made a partial copy of the phidget python code for voltage ratio input, even thought it might be useless for the gurus.
==== part of the python script shown in Phidget site, voltage-ratio ==
import sys
import time
import traceback
from Phidget22.Devices.VoltageRatioInput import *
from Phidget22.PhidgetException import *
from Phidget22.Phidget import *
from Phidget22.Net import *
from PhidgetHelperFunctions import *
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("\nCould not find PhidgetHelperFunctions. Either add PhdiegtHelperFunctions.py to your project folder "
"or remove the import from your project.")
sys.stderr.write("\nPress ENTER to end program.")
readin = sys.stdin.readline()
* Configures the device's DataInterval and ChangeTrigger.
Questions are
1) Do I have to use rather old Python version instead of 3.7?
2) Are there any other module or python script I have to run prior to the "voltage-ratio.py?"
3) Any other suggestions
Thanks in advance,
Jong KIM