I'm new to phidget-programming. I got a kit of 1019_1 with some sensors. This kit was once used to measure time by a colleague, but he has left. So i'm now searching for the software he used. i have the following description from another colleague:
- Software with GUI
- possibility to define counters related to sensors
- support of trigger level for start and stop
- logs/results written to (.dat) file
As i think, reasoned from the project documentation, the output in the files is in columns (like a csv file).
Does anybody know a software with those features? I think it was running under windows.
The documentation mentions the InterfaceKit-simple-86.exe applikation. I found it in the example of the 21_files, but i think there is no fileoutput and no gui.
Would be very pleased for any ideas.
Greetings, Stefan