Hi fraser,
Thank you for replying!
To answer your questions:
- Device is attached during program initialization, and remains open at all times
- I have a UI (updates at 1-5 Hz) that uses:
- Methods like getTemperatureChangeTrigger() and getDataInterval() to display Phidget configuration information
- Event-based programming for temperature change events
Per exception handling:
1. Originally there was no exception handling
2. With getDataInterval() raising PhidgetException (0x34), I wrapped it with Python's retry decorator, retrying the method three times before erroring out. This still didn't work, the method would just get retried three times and would raise the same exception three times
3. Now, I just silence PhidgetException with code 0x34 on getDataInterval() and getTemperatureChangeTrigger() calls.
- Interesting note: events still happen after silencing an error, I continue to get temperature readings
What I can do is circle back and see if the getter methods work again after silencing their exception.