I'm pretty new to this board but I've been working with different Phidgets for a couple of years now. However while I do implement phidget software, I'm not a person who does know a lot about the hardware.
At the moment I've got a nice idea I want to work on. But to make it work I do need an absolute rotary sensor. The reason for this is, that I want to attach a rotary sensor to a desk chair which can turn. The turns need to be absolute, so I know that from a start position, this char has turned x angle. I know this could work with an incremental rotary sensor, however this chair isn't going to be in the exact same orientation every single time the software starts.
I've been searching trough the rotary sensors but none of them is absolute (phidgets) unless I overlooked something.
What could I use to make this work and could I use a 3rd party rotary sensor and connect it to a highspeed ecoder phidget to read out the data?
I hope someone could help me on this prototyping idea. =)