In the API, if you click on "UnitInfo" in the return type, it brings you to the class description and it lists out the members there.
Also, when I print sensorUnit like this:
Code: Select all
sensorUnit = ch.getSensorUnit()
print("SensorUnit: " + str(sensorUnit))
This is the output I get:
Code: Select all
SensorUnit: [UnitInfo] (unit: 12, name: volt, symbol: V)
Which is another way to get the members. The fact that your output only says "<class 'Phidget22.UnitInfo.UnitInfo'>" seems to be an indicator that you have an outdated Phidgets python module. This issue is also apparent in the other post you made about printing the channel handle- an up-to-date version of the python module will print out a more reasonable human-readable string rather than <Phidget22.Phidget.Phidget instance at 0x1011b2ea8>.
I actually had the same issue earlier- I thought I was running an up-to-date version of the python module but my python installation was pulling an old version of the library from another folder. I wasn't able to fix the problem using pip because the library had been installed outside of pip so I had to track it down, manually delete it, and then use pip to install and update to the newest version of the module.