Can anyone tell me what kind of update rate you can get from the OUT1000_0 12 bit voltage output widget? I can't see this information in the spec for the device.
For example if you wanted to use to generate a voltage waveform, what kind of bandwidth waveform could you create?
Thanks for the response. I don't have a specific requirement for the update rate, though more is always better right? I guess to be in line with the rest of the phidget ecosystem, 1ms would be good.
Do you know how that 8ms update rate would be affected by other nodes on the VINT HUB?
Communications on all hub ports are independent, and will not have an effect on the rates on other ports happening at the same time.
However, if you intend to send commands to multiple Phidgets at roughly the same time, you will need to use the asynchronous version of the commands you are calling. This will prevent your program from waiting around for each response before continuing (e.g. up to 8ms for the OUT1000).