Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

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Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:44 pm

Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

Good morning Patrick,
The 5 hubs in the machine seem to be all communicating happily now. It was definitely 'operator error' on my part, because once I had the IP's all configured it still wasn't working repeatably until...
I changed the host names of the hubs so they weren't all the default "hub5000". Oops.
Thanks again for your help with all of this and if I have a hint of trouble with them from here on out I'll go the usb route. Seems to be running happily now though.

Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:44 pm

Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

Here is the log from the hub that doesn't show any branches or connected devices in the Control Panel:

2020-03-06T17:38:49 <ERROR> phidget22 :
****************************** Logging Enabled ******************************
* Phidget22 - Version 1.6 - Built Mar 6 2020 10:34:26 *
2020-03-06T18:00:57 <ERROR> www[handleWWWClient()] : failed to handle phidgets websocket connection
server.c+658 handleDeviceClient() : (Broken Pipe) failed to handle client request
[0x75dfb8]subiop complete 0x652c20
server.c+629 handleDeviceClient() : (Broken Pipe) handleNetworkRequest() failed
servers.c+676 handleNetworkRequest() : (Broken Pipe) failed to read request
network.c+640 readRequestHeader() : (Broken Pipe) failed to read request header
websocket.c+270 netconnread() : (Broken Pipe) failed to read from websocket
2020-03-06T18:11:20 <ERROR> phidget22net[runClientConnection()] : 'hub5000-1' failed for client phid22device://
server.c+658 handleDeviceClient() : (Connection Reset) failed to handle client request
[0x5078d0]subiop complete 0x5b0520
server.c+629 handleDeviceClient() : (Connection Reset) handleNetworkRequest() failed
servers.c+676 handleNetworkRequest() : (Connection Reset) failed to read request
network.c+640 readRequestHeader() : (Connection Reset) failed to read request header
network.c+587 pnread() : (Connection Reset) TCP read failed
2020-03-07T10:18:05 <ERROR> www[handleWWWClient()] : failed to handle phidgets websocket connection
server.c+658 handleDeviceClient() : (Broken Pipe) failed to handle client request
[0x653318]subiop complete 0x5b0520
server.c+629 handleDeviceClient() : (Broken Pipe) handleNetworkRequest() failed
servers.c+676 handleNetworkRequest() : (Broken Pipe) failed to read request
network.c+640 readRequestHeader() : (Broken Pipe) failed to read request header
websocket.c+270 netconnread() : (Broken Pipe) failed to read from websocket
Posts: 35
Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:44 pm

Re: Static IP Ethernet Direct to PC Issue. Again.

Post by danthoskin »

This is all that came up in the log of the hub that does that 'flashing behavior:

2020-03-06T17:38:59 <ERROR> phidget22 :
****************************** Logging Enabled ******************************
* Phidget22 - Version 1.6 - Built Mar 6 2020 10:34:26 *

This was taken as the device was connected to a temperature Phidget and it was 'flashing' in and out of existence. The temperature unit, not the entire hub. It remained connected.

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