Hollow Shaft Optical Encoder IHC3808

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Hollow Shaft Optical Encoder IHC3808

Post by TimD »

I'm thinking of using this encoder on a project that requires high resolution. The spec says 500 cpr (cycles per rev?). Is that per channel? As the encoder has two channels (A & B) and I'm using a (non Phidget) quadrature interface on a dc motor control board, does that mean I have an angular resolution of 500 x 4 = 2,000 pulses per rev? Many thanks. Tim
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Re: Hollow Shaft Optical Encoder IHC3808

Post by mparadis »

It depends how the quadrature interface on your motor controller interprets a quadrature cycle. Some interfaces just count once when they see the rising and falling edge on each of the channels (one quadrature cycle). Some interfaces count each edge within the cycle, effectively quadrupling the resolution.
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