Here's how I would approach this problem:
If you've never programmed using Phidgets before, you may want to read our page on
Phidget Programming Basics.
1. Go to our
code sample generator and get sample code for the DCC1100 in the language of your choice. If you don't have any experience programming, python will be the easiest to get started with and there are lots of resources online for learning. The sample program for the DCC1100 shows you how to set the motor velocity- it sets it to "1" which is full power. You can set it to 0.5 for half power or -1 for full reverse, and so on for any number in between -1 and 1.
2. Once you're able to control the motor, go back to the code sample generator, select HUB0001 from the list and uncheck the digital input port 0 and check the voltage ratio input port 0. This will show you how to read the value of the potentiometer which will range from 0 to 1.
3. Once you can read the value of the potentiometer and print it out to the console, the next step is to combine the code of the two programs. In the onVoltageRatioChange function, instead of printing the potentiometer value to the screen, you can store that value in a variable, and create a loop in the main function of the program to set the motor's velocity to the value in that variable.
4. Once you have this working for one motor, you can create a new BLDCMotor channel and another voltageRatioInput channel for the second motor and potentiometer, and duplicate the code for each.
If you have trouble along the way, you can post here or contact our support email for guidance.