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Load program on 1061 (run without a USB cable)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:00 pm
by Esdra
I am new with Phidget. I just finish a short program to control a servo and it works.

Is it possible to load the program in order to be able to disconnect the USB cable and just run with the power supply?

I'm using Visual Studio and made my code in C.

Thank You!


Re: Load program on 1061 (run without a USB cable)

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:03 pm
by mparadis
The 1061 has no on-board storage or processing capabilities, so you cannot use it without having it plugged into a computer of some kind. However, you can get a more portable computer such as a Phidget SBC or a Raspberry Pi an plug the 1061 in.